Thursday, April 16, 2009

Call for Papers: Commercialization of Innovation

Call for Papers, Workshops and Presentations. The Canadian Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (CCSBE)
Conference Overview
Key dates
Abstract submissions: May 1, 2009
Workshop proposals: May 15, 2009
Online registration begins: TBA
Final paper submissions: July 15, 2009
Conference dates: Oct 16-18, 2009

Hosted by: The Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
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Entrepreneurship is the engine of economic growth in Canada. International surveys, such as the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), rank Canada as one of the most entrepreneurial countries (in terms of new start-ups) in the world. But most Canadian start- ups do not grow into successful, sustainable mid or large-size enterprises. In spite of tremendous investments in research and development, as well as an aggressive innovation policy agenda, Canada has not realized its true potential in commercializing innovation. Canadian innovation and technology tends to go abroad to be commercialized and Canada loses the benefits.
The Canadian Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress (at the University of Toronto) in all of their seven annual reports has called for increased productivity. “The $3,000 GDP gap with the US comes from innovation not just a lack of efficiency improvements”.
But we can do better and must do better, particularly during an economic crisis which is dramatically reducing opportunities for traditional employment and creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs.This year’s conference marks the 30th anniversary of the CCSBE. We have an ambitious agenda aimed at bringing together a range of stakeholders to grapple with these burning issues. Who should attend:
Academics - present your latest research and learn about other scholarly work in the academic stream and in workshops and panels combining practitioners, academics, policy makers and other experts.
Practitioners/Consultants – share your expertise and update your knowledge on the latest trends in supporting small business.
Policy makers – hear directly from a cross-sectored group of stakeholders committed to creating and growing enterprise in Canada. Learn more about their views on how to create an environment which supports innovation and entrepreneurship. Share your experiences about policies and programs that support innovation and entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs: learn more about the factors influencing success. Share your specific challenges with seasoned experts. Make suggestions directly to policy makers about ways in which your business success could be facilitated. We are offering you access to a wealth of resources including a series of focused, practical seminars presented by experts.
Papers, Panels, Workshops and Presentations
Academic Papers
This year the conference theme is “Commercialization of Innovation” and high quality papers are sought for a special stream on this theme. Dr. Rein Peterson, Professor Emeritus, York University, is chairing this stream. He will also edit a Special issue of the Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, including the best papers on “Commercialization of Innovation”, that will be double-blind peer-reviewed. For more information on the special issue of the journal, contact Dr. Rein Peterson:
In addition, empirical and theoretical contributions on other aspects of entrepreneurship are also encouraged. Specific themes may include:
  • Diversity: Women, Immigrant and Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
  • Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
  • Technology entrepreneurship, technology-based new ventures
  • International Entrepreneurship
  • New venture creation and SME growth
  • Financing SMEs
  • Networking, Alliance and Outsourcing
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship in the cultural/creative industries
  • Other topics

For more information, contact
$5000 in Prizes: Best Paper Awards*
Papers will be judged based on quality and originality. 1st place: $30002nd place: $15003rd place: $500
* Sponsored by the Office of the Provost, Ryerson University.
Panels/WorkshopsWe also encourage submissions of proposals for panels and workshops which include a number of participants around a critical theme of relevance to policy makers, entrepreneurs and practitioners particularly related to our theme of commercialization of innovation. Proposals for panels should be submitted using the website submission system. For more information, contact
Practitioner and Policy Papers and PresentationsWe invite proposals for non peer-reviewed papers and presentations from policymakers and practitioners. Of particular interest are practitioner and policy contributions that address the themes of entrepreneurship, innovation, and commercialization. Contributions may be organized as panels. For further information on practitioner and policy papers, please contact Dr. Charles Davis:

This year’s conference will feature a series of challenging, applied seminars for entrepreneurs to refine their skills in developing business growth strategy plans, to provide tips on how they can acquire access to venture capital for growth as well as practical advice on how they can manage a growing entrepreneurial business. For more information on these seminars, contact Prof. Neil Wolff, Associate Dean, Ted Rogers School of Business Management:
Pre-Conference PhD ConsortiumEntrepreneurship continues to be a growing area of scholarship worldwide. The PhD Consortium will provide an opportunity for doctoral students to develop their conceptual models, theories and research methods with leading scholars in the field. For more information on the consortium, contact Dr. Howard Lin, Professor, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Ted Rogers School of Management:
Important Deadlines
Extended abstracts for refereed papers due April 15, 2009
Panel/Workshop and Practitioner and Policy proposal submissions due: May 15, 2009
Acceptance notification for all submissions: June 15, 2009
Formal papers due from those notified of acceptance July 15, 2009
Submit extended abstracts through Ryerson’s EPR e-journal site by first registering at:
Log-in to your author’s page and start a new submission as if your extended abstract were a paper submission.
For More InformationIf you need additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the program organizers at

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