Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Call for conference papers:

Reading-UNCTAD Conference 2015

13-14 June 2015

Henley Business School at the University of Reading

“Contemporary issues in international business theory”

and Rugman Memorial


Henley Business School at the University of Reading is delighted to announce the Fifth Reading - 'UNCTAD International Business Conference, organised in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The 2015 conference is the second in the series that is jointly organised with UNCTAD. Therefore, in addition to focusing on conceptual issues, we will also be paying close attention to policy implications.

The conference - which is traditionally held in April - has been moved to June, in memory of Alan Rugman. A plenary session, commemorating and extending Alan¹s work by prominent scholars will be organized on the first day, as well as a series of parallel sessions. Speakers at the include:
  • · Julian Birkinshaw, London Business school
  • · Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School
We will hold a memorial on the evening of the 13th, so that people may share their reminiscences about the life and work of Alan in an informal setting.

Details on how to register and deadlines/instructions for paper submission can be found at: www.henley.ac.uk/ibconference2015

The debate/discussion panels for the 2015 conference:

  • · Where is the individual in IB research? 
  • o Mark Casson, University of Reading
  • o Marcus Moller Larsen, Copenhagen Business School, and Dunning Fellow
  • o Paulina Junni, Bi Norwegian Business School
  • o Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary/University of Reading
· 25 years of UNCTAD’s World Investment Reports

  • o Peter Buckley, Leeds University
  • o Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading
  • o Hafiz Mirza, UNCTAD

· FDI from and to regulated sectors

  • o Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois, and Dunning Fellow
  • o Esteban Garcia-Canal, University of Oviedo
  • o Johan Lindique, University of Amsterdam
  • o Snehal Awate, Indian Business School

Paper submission

The 2015 conference will have both interactive sessions and Parallel sessions. The deadline for paper submission is February 1, 2015

Papers should contribute to conceptual development. Further details at: