Monday, August 10, 2015

CfP: The Evolution of International Business Theories

Call for Papers:

The Evolution of International Business Theories: Internalization vs. Externalization

  • Deadline for Submissions: April 1, 2016
  • (Submissions open: March 1, 2016)

Guest Co-editors:

Pervez N. Ghauri
Birmingham Business School
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK

Byung Il Park
College of Business
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Imun-dong, Seoul, 130-791, South Korea

The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences welcomes submissions to a special issue on “The Evolution of International Business Theories: Internalization vs. Externalization.

About the Topic:

International business scholars have long been raising the question of why multinational enterprises (MNEs) choose foreign direct investment (FDI) in spite of the presence of liabilities of foreignness, and these discussions, which attempt to solve this query, are still on-going. Internalization theory (e.g., Buckley & Casson, 1976; 1999; Rugman & Verbeke, 1995) argues that under imperfect business environments in intermediate product markets, firms confine transactions within corporations by shifting assets between subsidiaries across borders rather than in open markets. In addition, because knowledge has public good characteristics, internalization is required for MNEs to prevent other firms from copying proprietary knowledge and to protect knowledge reservoirs.

In contrast, John Dunning (e.g., 1993; 2000) integrates motivations pushing firms to go abroad (i.e., ownership-specific advantages) and factors pulling firms to invest (i.e., location-specific advantages) with internalization (emphasis added) to illustrate the growth of MNEs and the spread of FDI. This eclectic paradigm suggests that if firms enjoy competitive advantages by possessing strong organizational assets (e.g., trademarks, production techniques, entrepreneurial skills, and returns to scale) and discover appropriate locations to undertake value adding activities without an internalization advantage, they tend to be engaged in licensing rather than FDI. According to his explanations, sufficient conditions for FDI are met only in the case where transaction costs in the free market are higher than internal costs, thus shedding light on the importance of internalization.

However, the scholarly debates described above overlook the crucial fact that no one firm possesses enough resources and competitiveness to efficiently compete with other firms. According to the resource-dependence perspective (e.g., Pfeffer, & Salancik, 1978), firms often seek complementary resources from foreign organizations and even competitors operating in overseas markets and try to obtain strategic assets that compensate for their organizational shortcomings from external environments. In other words, firms try to offset their weaknesses through co-opetition with other firms in international joint ventures and try to remedy knowledge imbalances against other firms through international mergers and acquisitions. These dialogues clearly indicate that conventional international business theories and extant literature have focused on the internalization motivation for FDI, and thus we do not yet know enough about why some MNEs externalize their activities in foreign markets. 

A reason for the presence of the research gap is most likely because current academic experiments mainly focus on FDI from developed to developing and emerging countries, which is a fragmental area of international business territory. In this regard, we believe that this is the time to combine internalization motivation with an externalization concept in order to encompass various directions of foreign investments, redress the asymmetric stance observing the phenomenon, and extend our understanding on FDI. Thus, the aim of this special issue is to bring together theoretical and empirical advancements that contribute to the evolution of international business theories and that merge externalization ideas into the internalization perspective to present a precise overview of MNE activities. We seek both theoretical and empirical papers that may address, but are not limited to, the following list of research questions:
  • Does the internalization theory fully explain the reality? Which additional ingredients may add extra value to the theory?
  • How can we achieve an evolution of international business theories? Is there any possibility to develop internalization theory into IE paradigm (i.e., internalization + externalization perspectives)? 
  • What are key determinants influencing MNEs’ internalization and externalization motivations, respectively?
  • Do different motivations (i.e., internalization vs. externalization) influence MNEs’ behaviors and responses (e.g., subsidiary control or corporate social responsibility activities) in foreign markets?
  • Why is the investment into conventionally advanced economies by emerging market MNEs becoming a new trend in the global arena? What potential theory can explain this phenomenon? 
  • How can recent increases in externalization activities by MNEs be harmonized with internalization theory? 
  • Why do MNEs pursue co-opetition with competitors? 
  • How do subsidiaries established from developing/emerging markets MNEs in the North (i.e., developed economies) become creative miniatures and transmit own assets to parent firms in the South (i.e., developing and emerging economies)?

Journal Submission guidelines:

Consideration will be given to theoretical and empirical papers for this special issue. The format of papers should not exceed 40 pages including references, tables, and figures. All papers should conform to American Psychological Association (APA format) guidelines. Submission guidelines can be found at:

Please submit your manuscripts through the Manuscript Central online system and specify that your submission is for the special issue on The Evolution of International Business Theories: Internalization vs. Externalization. Please do not submit to the special issue any earlier than March 1st, 2016.

All submitted papers to CJAS will undergo a “double-blind” peer review. If a topic of an article does not fit with the special issue, the author(s) will be contacted to determine if the paper should be forwarded to the review process for a regular CJAS issue. Both French and English papers will be accepted for review.

The guest editors are seeking reviewers for this issue and are soliciting nominations and volunteers to participate as reviewers. Please contact the guest editors to volunteer or nominate a reviewer.

More Information:

To obtain additional information, please contact the guest editors:


  • Buckley, P. J., & Casson, M. (1976). The future of the multinational enterprise. London: Macmillan
  • Buckley, P. J., & Casson, M. (1999). A theory of international operations. In: Buckley, P. J. and Ghauri, P. N. (eds.), The internationalization of the firm. London: International Thomson Business Press, 55-60.
  • Dunning, J. H. (1993). Multinational enterprises and the global economy. Wokingham: Addison-Wesley.
  • Dunning, J. H. (2000). The eclectic paradigm as an envelope for economic and business theo
  • Pfeffer, J., & Salancik, G. R. (1978). The external control of organizations: A resource dependence perspective. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Rugman, A. M., & Verbeke, A. (1995). Transnational networks and global competition: An organizing framework. Research in Global Strategic Management, 5, 3-23.
  • CJAS is an ISI-listed journal (search ISSN - 0825-0383) published by Wiley. Papers accepted for publication will be accessible electronically from the Wiley Online Library Platform, as well as appear in the print copy of the journal. For more information about CJAS, visit our website at

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

CfP: Location, Collocation and Innovation across National Borders

Call for Papers

Special issue of Industry and Innovation

“Location, Collocation and Innovation across National Borders:
Connecting the International Business, Economic Geography and Innovation Communities”

Full papers deadline: 31 December 2015

Guest Editors

Ram Mudambi, Fox School of Business, Temple University (USA), Rajneesh Narula, Henley Business School, University of Reading (UK), and Grazia D. Santangelo, University of Catania (Italy)

The distribution of economic value creating activities across space has intrigued scholars since at least the nineteenth century. Over the course of the last century, this phenomenon has been studied from different perspectives with economic geographers and regional scientists leading the trend. The growing interest in geography in the international business community is reflected in a number of special issues in IB journals. This special of Industry and Innovation seeks to expand the understanding of cross-border innovative activities along at least two dimensions.

First, traditionally international business scholars have focused on the organization of economic activities and less so on the characteristics of places (Beugelsdijk et al., 2010). In other words, economic geography has focused on the location, while international business scholars have examined the (multinational) firm. Second, the recent debate on the propensity of firms to collocate innovative activity remains lively. In particular, multinationals face collocation advantages and disadvantages when crossing international borders and selecting host locations (Narula and Santangelo, 2009, 2012). On the one hand, multinationals may wish to collocate with unaffiliated firms (e.g. suppliers, competitors, or customers) to internalize L-advantages in order to enhance and create firm-specific advantages. On the other, firms may either deliberately avoid collocating (Alcacer, 2006) or resort to strategies to monitor collocated partners (Narula and Santangelo, 2009) in order to limit dissipation of unintended knowledge flows. Both collocation advantages and disadvantages are not automatic and critically depend on the public goods nature of the Ladvantagesto be internalized, the level of competition, MNC technological leadership and insidership in the host location (Alca´cer, 2006; Alca´cer and Chung, 2007; Cantwell and Mudambi, 2011). Embeddedness in multiple local contexts creates opportunities, but also raises challenges, particularly in terms of stressing the bandwidth of managers who must handle the increasing complexity (Meyer et al., 2011). We are still missing a clear picture and a full understanding of the boundary conditions of collocation advantages and disadvantages. 

This special issue intends to offer a further forum bridging the international business community with economic geography, and start a new forum where these two communities could connect with innovation scholars. The ultimate aim is to achieve a fruitful cross-fertilization of the three fields in order to gain a more comprehensive knowledge of the organizational and geographical dimension of cross-border innovative activities. 

The special issue welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions, which draw on different theoretical streams. Research adopting a variety of research methodologies is welcome, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed- method approaches. Empirical studies should explicitly contribute to a theoretical agenda, and preferably be based on novel and exclusive data. Papers that are primarily descriptive are not welcome. Possible topics and research questions that would be appropriate for this special section would include, but would not be limited to, the following list:

  1. What are the implications of the rise of knowledge-intensive intangibles for MNEs’ location and organizational strategies? Does this phenomenon provide new advantages for international new ventures? Does the rise of knowledge-intensive intangibles shift collocation advantage in disadvantages and vice versa?
  2. Do MNEs exposed to multiple sources of knowledge dissipation need new strategies to protect their ownership advantages? Is modularity a panacea?
  3. Would the nature of collocation advantages and/or disadvantages MNEs face in emerging markets be different than in advanced economies? Would the boundary conditions for collocation advantages be different in emerging market clusters?

Submission Process

Manuscripts of a maximum of 6,000 words should be prepared in accordance with Industry and Innovation guidelines and submitted by December 31, 2015 via the online journal submission system by selecting this special issue title. The online submission system for the special issue will open on December 15, 2015. No earlier submissions will be accepted.


Alcacer, J. 2006. “Location Choices across the Value Chain: How Activity and Capability Influence Collocation.” Management Science 52: 1457–1471.

Alcacer, J., and W. Chung. 2007. “Location strategies and knowledge spillovers.” Management Science 53: 760–776.

Beugelsdijk, S., P. McCann, and R. Mudambi. 2010. “Introduction: Place, space and organization— economic geography and the multinational enterprise.” Journal of Economic Geography 10: 485–493.

Cantwell, J. A., and R. Mudambi. 2011. “Physical attraction and the geography of knowledge sourcing in multinational enterprises.” Global Strategy Journal 1: 206–232.

Meyer, K., R. Mudambi, and R. Narula. 2011. “Multinational enterprises and local contexts: The opportunities and challenges of multiple embeddedness.” Journal of Management Studies 48: 235–252.

Narula, R., and G. D. Santangelo. 2009. “Location, collocation and R&D alliances in the European ICT industry.” Research Policy 38: 393–403.

Narula, R., and G. D. Santangelo. 2012. “Location and collocation advantages in international innovation.” Multinational Business Review 20: 6–25.

Professor Grazia Santangelo
Jean Monnet Chair International Business for European Union (IB4EU)
Department of Political and Social Science
University of Catania
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 8
95131 Catania