Thursday, September 17, 2015

Call for Papers: Annals in Social Responsibility

Annals in Social Responsibility

Co-Editors: Timothy M Devinney (Leeds) & Marc Orlitzky (South Australia)

Annals in Social Responsibility is a new journal published once annually. We are currently seeking proposals for manuscripts to be included in the second volume or to be published in subsequent editions.

Journal Description & What Do We Publish?

Annals in Social Responsibility (ASR) publishes articles covering the significant developments in the area of Social Responsibility. ASR is a multi-disciplinary journal that publishes work arising from traditions in management, operations & supply chain management, marketing, economics, accounting & finance, sociology, psychology, political science, law, philosophy and other social and physical sciences that relate to the role that individuals, groups and institutions play in understanding of responsibilities and roles in society. Topics covered in the journal include major theoretical and methodological developments as well as current research in the aforementioned disciplines. Articles typically pertain to issues of corporate social responsibility, environmental and organizational sustainability, economic, corporate, social and political development, corporate, institutional and societal governance, property rights, social institutions and NGOs, and global issues of peace, conflict and human rights. Articles published appeal to a broad intellectual audience in their respective fields.

To be accepted for publication a paper must make a significant contribution to advancing knowledge about social responsibility through new theoretical insights, managerial application, methodology/data—or some combination thereof.

ASR has a particular interest in publishing the following types of manuscripts:
  • 1. Comprehensive, state-of-the-art literature reviews that integrate diverse research streams and identify promising directions for future investigations
  • 2. Analytical essays that offer new conceptual models or theoretical perspectives and use these frameworks as a foundation for developing research propositions
  • 3. Empirical articles that report results from exploratory or hypothesis-testing studies based on quantitative and/or qualitative methodologies
  • 4. Methodological papers that refine existing methodologies or develop new ones for investigating particular issues or topics central to the fields of inquiry listed above.

ASR Editorial Review Board

Herman Aguinis (Indiana, USA) – Human Resources, Modelling
Ruth Aguilera (Illinois, USA) – Governance, Intl Business
Pat Auger (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA) – Marketing, Modelling
Pratima Bansal (Ivey-UWO, CANADA) – Management, Sustainability
Michael Barnett (Rutgers, USA) – Management, Sustainability
Russell Belk (York, CANADA) – Marketing, Consumer Behaviour
Gordon Clark (Oxford, UK) – Earth Sciences, Sustainability
Jonathan Doh (Villanova, USA) – Politics, NGOs, Intl Business
Giana Eckhardt (London, Royal Holloway, UK) – Marketing, Consumer Behaviour
Jeffrey Harrison (Richmond, USA) – Strategy, Law
Stuart Hart (Cornell, USA) – Management, Innovation
Michael Hiscox (Harvard, USA) – Politics, Intl Relations
Ans Kolk (Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS) – NGOs, Development, Intl Business
Ted London (Michigan, USA) – NGOs, Development, Intl Business
Jeffrey Malpas (Tasmania, AUSTRALIA) – Ethics, Philosophy
Anita McGahan (Toronto, CANADA) – Strategy, Management
Joachim Schwalbach (Humboldt U-Berlin, GERMANY)
Donald Siegel (SUNY Albany, USA) – Strategy, Management, Governance
N. Craig Smith (Insead, FRANCE) – Strategy, Marketing
Tom Sorrell (Warwick, UK) – Philosophy, Politics
David Vogel (Berkeley, USA) – Economics, Politics
Richard Wilk (Indiana, USA) – Culture, Anthropology
Cynthia Williams (York, CANADA) – Law, Governance
Maurizio Zollo (Bocconi, ITALY) – Strategy, Sustainability

Submission Process

ASR does not accept article submissions without the initial submission of a proposal. The objective of the proposal process is to be efficient in the processing of articles. We want to know "what" you are going to say, "to whom" you are going to say it, "why" what you are saying is important, and "how" you are going to convince your audience of the veracity of your argument. This allows the editorial team to provide author(s) with information that facilitates the review process, while allowing us to be proactive in working with authors.

Proposals should be no longer than 5 pages single-spaced with standard 1-inch margins and in a 12-point font. The proposal must include the following information with the following headings.

The idea: The specific important and innovative idea that is going to be the focus of the article. This should not be long-winded literal description but be a clear and concise statement of the big/new idea that is at the core of what you are doing.

To whom is the article speaking: While ASR is clearly speaking to other scholars interested in issues of social responsibility, it is important to frame your paper in a specific topical and disciplinary area in the first instance. Hence, you need to outline who might be the primary audience for your article. For instance, is it the legal community, anthropologists, or marketing scholars (i.e., to what extent is it disciplinary?)? Is it those interested in human rights, CSR performance, or social innovation (i.e., to what extent is it phenomenon or topic based?)?

The importance of the idea: Why is your paper important? This needs to be understood as you address how you are going to take your specific knowledge and frame it in a way that resonates with your audience. In other words, why is it important to your readership and not just to you?

How are you going to justify, defend and communicate your idea: What is the theoretical and/or empirical evidence the article will be presenting in order to convince your audience of the veracity and importance of your idea? If you have specific data sources, outline what these are. If you are building a theoretical argument, then outline how you are going to logically justify and defend that argument. If your paper is empirical, provide a brief overview of your methods (e.g., experimental design, econometric model, statistical testing, etc.).

More information is available at: and submissions are done via manuscript central.

Volume 1 of the journal can be seen here:

You can read an editorial discussing the philosophy of the journal here:

Over time we will be holding a series of workshops on topics of specific interest. We plan to hold these workshops in conjunction with conferences plus also independently.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the editors.

Timothy M. Devinney
University Leadership Chair and Professor of International Business, Pro Dean of Research & Innovation
Leeds University Business School
Maurice Keyworth Building
University of Leeds | Leeds | LS2 9JT | UK

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

CfP: The creation and capture of entrepreneurial opportunities across national borders


Special Issue of the Journal of International Business Studies


Special Issue Editors:
  • Deadline for submission: November 16, 2015
  • Tentative publication date: Spring 2017


The goal of this special issue of JIBS is to encourage research that deepens knowledge of the creation and capture of entrepreneurial opportunities across national borders by diverse organizational types such as international new ventures (INVs), born global firms, micro-multinationals, corporate entrepreneurs, family businesses, and social and non-profit ventures (e.g., Arregle, Naldi, Nordqvist & Hitt, 2012; Coviello & Jones, 2004; Knight & Cavusgil, 2004; Oviatt & McDougall, 1994; McDougall & Oviatt, 2000; Zahra, 2005; Zahra & George, 2002; Zahra, Newey & Li, 2014).  

International entrepreneurship has been defined as “the discovery, enactment, evaluation, and exploitation of opportunities – across national borders – to create future goods and services” (Oviatt & McDougall, 2005: 7).  Recent commentaries on the field (e.g. Cavusgil & Knight, 2015; Coviello, 2015; Jones, Coviello & Tang, 2011; Keupp & Gassmann, 2009; Mathews & Zander, 2007; Zander, McDougall-Covin & Rose, 2015) have urged scholars to move beyond current understandings of early and accelerated internationalization through richer theoretical and empirical investigations of international entrepreneurship. There has long been consensus that the pursuit of opportunity is the core of entrepreneurship (e.g. Knight, 1921; Schumpeter, 1939; Shane & Venkataraman, 2000), whether opportunities are discovered or created (Alvarez, Barney & Anderson, 2013).   Scholars have identified important processes in this pursuit, including processes related to cognition (e.g. Grégoire, Barr & Shepherd, 2010), effectuation (e.g. Sarasvathy, 2001), and bricolage (e.g. Baker & Nelson, 2005; Garud & Karnoe, 2003), and an opportunity-focused perspective is being extended to international entrepreneurship (e.g. Bingham, 2009; Jones & Casulli, 2014; Mainela, Puhakka & Servais, 2014; Sarasvathy, Kumar, York & Bhagavatula, 2014).
Scholarship that integrates perspectives from entrepreneurship and international business, or spans disciplinary boundaries, can create new perspectives or frameworks that improve our understanding of the creation and capture of opportunities across national borders. We invite submissions that advance international business theory in this domain and, ideally, that also contribute to the entrepreneurship literature.

Possible Research Topics 

The proposed special issue focuses on the creation and capture of entrepreneurial opportunities across national borders. We seek papers that advance theoretical perspectives and provide valuable insights and new knowledge to enrich international entrepreneurship scholarship, and also that guide practitioners and policy-makers.  We invite submissions from scholars who, individually or collectively, draw on varied theoretical perspectives, adopt diverse empirical approaches, and investigate at multiple levels of analysis.  We particularly encourage submissions that provide conceptual clarity of international entrepreneurship as pursued by different types of market actors, and those that provide new empirical contributions.  Well-conceived submissions antithetical to this domain are welcome too, provided they make a meaningful contribution to the international business field more generally.  Examples of appropriate topics and research questions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • ·         How can perspectives from entrepreneurship and international business be integrated to create new perspectives or frameworks to enrich an opportunity-based understanding of international entrepreneurship, and unify and improve heterogeneous constructs and operational definitions?
  • ·         What processes are involved in the creation and capture of entrepreneurial opportunities across national borders?   What accounts for variance in these processes and their outcomes?  What is the role in such processes of key IB concepts such as psychic distance, risk, uncertainty, or transnational communities?
  • ·         How does the pursuit of international opportunities vary across categories of individuals?  What new concepts, relationships or processes are important in understanding the cognitions, behaviors and/or outcomes associated with the pursuit of international opportunities by focal categories of entrepreneurs (for example, immigrant entrepreneurs, ethnic entrepreneurs, transnational entrepreneurs or women entrepreneurs)?  
  • ·         How does the pursuit of international opportunities vary across categories of organizations?  What new concepts, relationships or processes are important in understanding the cognitions, behaviors and/or outcomes associated with the pursuit of international opportunities by focal categories of organizations (for example startups, corporations, SMEs, family businesses, social ventures, not-for-profit ventures, governmental agencies, or non-governmental organizations)?
  • ·         How are organizations managing the challenges of early and/or accelerated internationalization in pursuing international opportunities?  How do such firms manage costs, uncertainty and risks in such environments?  How do they overcome inherent liabilities to be perceived as legitimate and reputable?  What are their subsequent trajectories?  We particularly welcome research in this area on firms in emerging, rapid-growth and less-developed economies, and from disciplines that have been under-represented to-date such as human resource management, finance, accounting, operations and policy studies. 
  • ·         How do advanced technologies and digitization provide new and enhanced prospects to create and capture international opportunities?  How does the sociomateriality of technologies impact interactions among market actors, and, for example, overcome the challenges of lack of a local presence?  What are trade-offs between scale and adaptation? 
  • ·         How do cultures and institutions, such as governments, regulations, and industries, affect market and nonmarket approaches to the pursuit of international opportunities, and, in turn, how do entrepreneurial activities affect cultural and institutional contexts?  What institutional policies and practices impact, or are impacted by, the pursuit of international opportunities?  How does entrepreneurial internationalization vary across different cultural and institutional environments?

Submission Process

All manuscripts will be reviewed as a cohort for this special issue.  Manuscripts must be submitted in the window between November 2, 2015, and November 16, 2015, at  All submissions will go through the JIBS regular double-blind review process and follow the standard norms and processes.

For more information about this call for papers, please contact the Special Issue Editors or the JIBS Managing Editor (


Alvarez, S.A., Barney, J.B., & Anderson, P. 2013.  Forming and exploiting opportunities:  The implications of discovery and creation processes for entrepreneurial and organizational research.  Organization Science, 24(1): 301-317.

Arregle, J-L., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., & Hitt, M.A. 2012.  Internationalization of family-controlled firms: A study of the effects of external involvement in governance.  Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 36(6): 1115-1143.

Baker, T., & Nelson, R. 2005.  Creating something from nothing: Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage.  Administrative Science Quarterly, 50(3): 329-366.
Bingham, C. 2009.  Oscillating improvisation: How entrepreneurial firms create success in foreign market entries over time.  Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 3(4): 321-345.
Cavusgil, S.T., & Knight, G. 2015.  The born global firm:  An entrepreneurial and capabilities perspective on early and rapid internationalization.  Journal of International Business Studies, 46(1): 3-16.
Coviello, N. 2015.  Re-thinking research on born globals.  Journal of International Business Studies, 46(1): 17-26.
Coviello, N., & Jones, M. 2004.  Methodological issues in international entrepreneurship research.  Journal of Business Venturing, 19(4): 485–508. 
Garud, R., & Karnoe, P. 2003.  Bricolage versus breakthrough: Distributed and embedded agency in technology entrepreneurship.  Research Policy, 32: 277-300.
Grégoire, D.A., Barr, P.S., & Shepherd, D.A. 2010.  Cognitive process of opportunity recognition:  The role of structural alignment.  Organization Science, 21(2): 413-431.
Jones, M.V., & Casulli, L. 2014.  International entrepreneurship:  Exploring the logic and utility of individual experience through comparative reasoning approaches.  Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 38(1): 45-69.
Jones, M. V., Coviello, N., & Tang, Y. K. 2011.  International entrepreneurship research (1989-2009): A domain ontology and thematic analysis.  Journal of Business Venturing, 26(6): 632-659.
Keupp, M., & Gassmann, O. 2009.  The past and the future of international entrepreneurship: A review and suggestions for developing the field.  Journal of Management, 35(5): 600-633. 
Knight, G., & Cavusgil, S.T. 2004.  Innovation, organizational capabilities, and the born global firm.  Journal of International Business Studies, 35(2): 124-141.

Knight, F.H. 1921.  Risk, Uncertainty and Profit.  New York:  Houghton Mifflin.

Mainela, T., Puhakka, V., & Servais, P. 2014. The concept of international opportunity in international entrepreneurship:  A review and research agenda.  International Journal of Management Reviews 16(1): 105-129.
Mathews, J., & Zander, I. 2007.  The international entrepreneurial dynamics of accelerated internationalization.  Journal of International Business Studies, 38(3): 387-403.
McDougall, P., & Oviatt, B. 2000.  International entrepreneurship: The intersection of two research paths.  Academy of Management Journal, 43(5): 902–906.
Oviatt, B., & McDougall P. 1994.  Toward a theory of international new ventures.  Journal of International Business Studies, 25(1): 45–64.

Oviatt, B. & McDougall, P. 2005.  The internationalization of entrepreneurship.  Journal of International Business Studies, 36(1): 2-8.

Sarasvathy, S.D. 2001.  Causation and effectuation:  Toward a theoretical shift from economic inevitability to entrepreneurial contingency.  Academy of Management Review, 26(2): 243-263.

Sarasvathy, S., Kumar, K., York, J.G., & Bhagavatula, S. 2014.  An effectual approach to international entrepreneurship: Overlaps, challenges, and provocative possibilities.  Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 38(1): 71-93.

Schumpeter, J.A. 1939.  Business cycles:  A Theoretical, Historical, and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process.  New York: McGraw-Hill.

Shane, S., & Venkataraman, S. 2000.  The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research.  Academy of Management Review, 25(1): 217-226.

Zahra, S. 2005.  A theory of international new ventures: A decade of research.  Journal of International Business Studies, 36(1): 20–28.
Zahra, S., & George, G. 2002.  International entrepreneurship: The current status of the field and future research agenda. In M. Hitt, R. Ireland, M. Camp, & D. Sexton (Eds.) Strategic leadership: Creating a new mindset: 255–288. London: Blackwell.
Zahra, S., Newey, L., & Li, Y. 2014.  On the frontiers:  The implications of social entrepreneurship for international entrepreneurship.  Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 38(1): 137-158.

Zander, I., McDougall-Covin, P., & Rose, E.L. 2015.  Born globals and international business: Evolution of a field of research.  Journal of International Business Studies, 46(1): 27-35.

Special Issue Editors

Gary Knight is the Helen Jackson Chair in International Management at Willamette University in Salem and Portland, Oregon, USA, and Visiting Professor at the University of Southern Denmark.  He is Chair of the Western United States Chapter of the Academy of International Business.  He has published widely on born globals and international entrepreneurship, including several articles in JIBS.  His 2004 co-authored article on born globals won the 2014 JIBS Decade Award.  Co-authored books include Born Global Firms: A New International Enterprise.  He is currently an editor of the International Business book collection at Business Expert Press.  He testified on firm internationalization before the US House of Representatives Small Business Committee.  He was inaugural Chair of the “SMEs, Entrepreneurship, and Born Global” track of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business.  His co-authored textbook with S. Tamer Cavusgil and John Riesenberger, International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities3rd Ed, is published by Pearson Prentice-Hall.  His PhD in international business is from Michigan State University.  Prior to academia, he was the export manager of an internationalizing SME.  

Peter Liesch is Professor of International Business in the UQ Business School at The University of Queensland, Australia.  He has published extensively on small firm internationalization and born global firms.  He co-edited a special issue on early internationalization at the Journal of World Business, and jointly won an Australia Research Council Grant on born globals.  Funded by the Australia Business Foundation, he jointly produced Born to be Global: A Closer Look at the International Venturing of Australian Born Global Firms.  His publications have appeared in the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of World Business, and others.  Currently Associate Editor, Strategy and International Business with the Australian Journal of Management, he was also Senior Editor of the Journal of World Business.  He served as Vice-President (Administration) of the Academy of International Business and Vice-President of the Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy.  A Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and a Professional Member of the Economics Society of Australian (Qld) Inc., his Ph.D. is from the School of Economics at The University of Queensland.
Lianxi Zhou is Professor of Marketing and International Business in the Goodman School of Business (GSB) at Brock University, Canada.  He is also a Visiting Professor at the Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) China, and has served as Chair Professor in the School of Management and Economics at Shaoxing University and Honorary Professor in the MBA School of Management Zhejiang Gongshang University, China. Previously he taught at the University of Guelph, Canada and Lingnan University in Hong Kong. His recent research on international entrepreneurship has focused on born globals and international new ventures. He brings perspectives from international marketing, entrepreneurship, and IB theories to the study of international entrepreneurship. He has published extensively in refereed journals, including Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Business Review, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of World Business, and others. Also, he has taught for MBA and EMBA programs in a number of leading universities across Canada, Hong Kong, and the Chinese Mainland. He is currently in the Editorial Board for the Journal of International Marketing. He received his PhD in Marketing from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.
Rebecca Reuber is Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, and Area Editor for International Entrepreneurship at JIBS.  Her recent IE research has focused on the internationalization of internet-based new ventures.   She sits on the editorial boards of Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, and recently completed three terms as Associate Editor at Family Business Review.  She has held visiting positions at the University of Adelaide, the University of Glasgow, the University of Victoria, The Australian National University, and Dartmouth College.  She has also conducted policy-oriented research in the international entrepreneurship area, in collaboration with the Conference Board of Canada, Industry Canada, the Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade Canada, and the Commonwealth Secretariat.  

CfP: Case Study Research in Mergers and Acquisitions

Case Study Research in Mergers and Acquisitions

Special issue call for papers from Management Research

Guest Editors

  • Dr. En Xie, Associate Professor in Strategy and International Business Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Management, Xi'an, China 
  • Dr. Narendar V. Rao , Professor in Finance and Management, Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU), Chicago, USA 
  • Dr. K. Srinivasa Reddy , Postdoc in International Management (Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, Uttarakhand,  India). 

Backdrop of the Theme

A special issue of the Management Research Journal will focus on the most under examined temporal issue in the literature, that is, case study research in mergers and acquisitions.

The term, merger or acquisition, is defined, evaluated and used differently in different disciplines. For instance, economic researchers postulated that merger is the form of market for corporate control that arises due to economic, regulatory, or technology shocks. Likewise, finance scholars exhibited that acquisition is a choice of investment and accounting professionals described that merger is a combination or amalgamation of two or more balance sheets. While, strategy

scholars defined that merger/acquisition (M&A) is an inorganic growth and aggressive strategic alternative, which helps a business enterprise in achieving accelerated growth than that of reaching organic growth. Historically, M&A concept is originally evolved in the western part and thereafter, has gradually, engulfed rest of the world due to liberalization, economic integration and globalization. Conversely, the existing literature has been dominated by finance and accounting discipline, followed by economics, organizations and strategic management, international business, law and sociology (Haleblian et al., 2009; Piekkari et al., 2009; Bengtsson and Larsson, 2012).

By and large, M&A is an interdisciplinary stream that allows all kinds of technical and non- technical scholars to draw conclusions and explore new perspectives. Based on methodological perspective, it is found that extant findings drew largely through quantitative or empirical methods. This is due to the availability of numerical data (stock price, accounting information), access and empirical fit. At the same time, management scholars have paid less attention to qualitative research in M&A stream. While, a number of issues refer to the use of qualitative methods in business management have been discussed in the academy meetings and leading journal editorials (Birkinshaw et al., 2011). For instance, Haleblian et al. (2009) found that only three per cent of articles have used case method in M&A research out of 167 articles published during 1992-2007 period.

On the other hand, case study research is the modest qualitative method in social sciences. Thus, case studies, case surveys, analytical cases, research cases and longitudinal cases are defined as qualitative case research design, which is a powerful ideographic tool for conducting non- empirical research, yet largely under practiced in M&A stream (Bengtsson and Larsson, 2012; Reddy, 2015; Stake, 1995). 
Conceptually, case method is “an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary
phenomenon within its real life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clear evident, and it relies on multiple sources of evidence” (Yin, 1994, p. 13). Similarly, Woodside (2010) defined as “an inquiry that focuses on describing, understanding, predicting, and/or controlling the individual” (i.e. process, animal, person, household, organization, group, industry, culture, or nationality). Hence, it has distinct merit to other qualitative methods. Case researchers use case method to answer “why and how” as well as to build new theory and suggest testable propositions based on in-depth case analysis that subject to single case or multiple cases (Eisenhardt, 1989; Hoon, 2013).

In the recent past, scholars have noticed that the revisiting, testing, reinforcing and building new theoretical constructs is essential (fairly lacked) in M&A stream, which could help to explore new knowledge and improve existing literature (Drauz, 2013; Geppert et al., 2013; Reddy et al., 2014). Taking things forward:
  • How does a negotiation happen and complete in M&A dialogue? (Weber and Tarba, 2012) 
  • How does acquirer’s prior acquisition experience influence the continuing acquisition plans? 
  • What motivates business enterprises to participate in M&A deals? 
  • Why does a local or international deal become delay or fail? 
  • What are the deal-specific factors affecting deal completion? 
  • What are the firm- and industry-specific factors motivating firms to involve in local and international deals? 
  • What are the most crucial country-specific determinants influencing the cross-border deal negotiations? 
  • What role does print and electronic media play in M&A dialogue? 
  • What should be an ideal deal structure? 
  • Do toehold, non-compete agreement, cash payment, stock payment, proxy contest, economic status of participating nations and dual listing norms influence the negotiations in local and overseas settings? 
  • What role does M&A advisory firms play in local and international deals? 
  • How does the acquirer plan, implement and supervise post-merger integration stage? (Dauber, 2012) 
  • What are the difficulties in cross-border merger integration strategy? 
  • How does the acquirer overcome cultural issues in post-merger integration stage? 
  • What role does human resource play in post-merger stage?
This special edition welcomes original submissions from all management streams that should be conducting in-depth case analysis or case research, with theory testing/ development in M&A subject. Further, case researchers are suggested to pursue and present important elements in case research design include data technique, sampling cases, sampling place, sampling period, triangulation, case study protocol, and quality and rigor (Yin, 1994; Hoon, 2013; Poulis et al., 2013).

With this note, guest editors wish to invite papers, but are not restricted to the following research themes:
  •  Characteristics of acquirer and target firms 
  •  Motives of local vs. cross-border acquisitions in developed economies 
  •  Motives of local vs. cross-border acquisitions in emerging economies 
  •  Motives of emerging market firms participating in cross-border M&As 
  •  M&A dialogue – initiation stage 
  •  M&A dialogue – negotiation stage 
  •  M&A dialogue – integration stage 
  •  Deal-specific characteristics in local and international settings 
  •  Delay in negotiations ... broken deal 
  •  Delay in negotiations ... successful deal 
  •  Successful vs. unsuccessful deals in local and overseas environment 
  •  The first international acquisition experience 
  •  Pior acquisition experience in deal completion 
  •  Dating-before-marriage: Alliance-merger model 
  •  Prior alliance/joint venture and acquisition 
  •  International diversification through merger/acquisition 
  •  Takeover battle – target firm, acquirer vs. proxy 
  •  Takeover battle – target firm, acquirer vs. rival bidding
  •  Private equity funding and successful acquisition 
  •  Post-merger integration – change management 
  •  Human resource role in the post-acquisition stage 
  •  Marketing integration after merger/acquisition 
  •  CEO reaction to complete vs. incomplete deals in local and overseas settings 
  •  Diversified business groups and acquisition experience 
  •  Single or Multiple case method 
  •  Longitudinal case study and analysis 
  •  Theory testing; and theory building research 
  •  Sector/industry-specific case study and analysis 
  •  Improved/extended version of teaching cases with analysis 

Submission and Publication Information

  • Submission of First Draft via Online System: 20 January 2016 
  • Initial decision: Within 10 days from the submission date
  • First round review comments returned to authors: 10 May 2016
  • Resubmission of first round selected papers: 10 July 2016
  • Final decision: 20 August 2016 
  • Number of papers: 4 to 6 papers
  • Expected publication: Last issue of 2016/First issue of 2017 

Submission guidelines

The papers should discuss research and practical implications within the special issue theme. Indeed, we are especially looking for papers that shed light on case study settings. Prospective authors should submit their papers in a structured format that includes abstract, introduction, literature review, research design, discussions and conclusions. While, authors are suggested to present their Abstract in the Emerald style headings – Purpose, Design/Method, Findings, Research limitations, Practical implications, Originality/Value and Keywords, and Citation and References.

Please feel free to contact us for any queries relating to manuscript preparation, submission and review process.
Submit your manuscript online at
Submissions Editor: Dr. K.S. Reddy (


  • Bengtsson, L. and Larsson, R. (2012), “Researching mergers & acquisitions with the case study method: Idiographic understanding of longitudinal integration processes”, In: Y. Weber (eds), Handbook for Mergers and Acquisitions Research, pp. 172-202. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. 
  • Birkinshaw, J., Brannen, M.Y. and Tung, R.L. (2011), “From a distance and generalizable to up close and grounded: Reclaiming a place for qualitative methods in international business research”, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 42 no. 5, pp. 573-81. 
  • Dauber, D. (2012), “Opposing positions in M&A research: culture, integration and performance”, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, vol. 19 no. 3, pp. 375-98. 
  • Drauz, R. (2013), “In search of a Chinese internationalization theory: A study of 12 automobile manufacturers”, Chinese Management Studies, vol. 7 no. 2, pp. 281-309. 
  • Eisenhardt, K.M. (1989), “Building theories from case study research”, Academy of Management Review, vol. 14 no. 4, pp. 532-50. 
  • Geppert, M., Dörrenbächer, C., Gammelgaard, J. and Taplin, I. (2013), “Managerial risk-taking in international acquisitions in the brewery industry: institutional and ownership influences compared”, British Journal of Management, vol. 24 no. 3, pp. 316-32. 
  • Haleblian, J., Devers, C.E., McNamara, G., Carpenter, M.A. and Davison, R.B. (2009), “Taking stock of what we know about mergers and acquisitions: a review and research agenda”, Journal of Management, vol. 35 no. 3, pp. 469-502. 
  • Hoon, C. (2013), “Meta-synthesis of qualitative case studies: an approach to theory building”, Organizational Research Methods, vol. 16 no. 4, pp. 522-56. 
  • Piekkari, R., Welch, C. and Paavilainen, E. (2009), “The case study as disciplinary convention: evidence from international business journals”, Organizational Research Methods, vol. 12 no. 3, pp. 567-89. 
  • Poulis, K., Poulis, E. and Plakoyiannaki, E. (2013), “The role of context in case study selection: an international business perspective”, International Business Review, vol. 22 no. 1, pp. 304-14. 
  • Reddy, K.S. (2015), “Beating the Odds! Build theory from emerging markets phenomenon and the emergence of case study research–A “Test-Tube” typology”, Cogent Business & Management, vol. 2 no. 1, pp. 1-25. 
  • Reddy, K.S., Nangia, V.K. and Agrawal, R. (2014), “Farmers Fox theory: Does a country’s weak regulatory system benefit both the acquirer and the target firm? Evidence from Vodafone- Hutchison deal”, International Strategic Management Review, vol. 2 no. 1, pp. 56-67. 
  • Stake, R.E. (1995), The Art of Case Study Research, Sage, London. 
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

CfP: Social and Economic Inequality: Origins, Consequences, and Implications for Business and Society

Social and Economic Inequality: Origins, Consequences, and Implications for Business and Society

Special Issue Call for Papers Journal of Management Studies

Special Issue Editors:

  • Garry Bruton (Texas Christian University), 
  • Roy Suddaby (University of Victoria/Newcastle University Business School), and 
  • Jim Walsh (University of Michigan

Social and economic inequality is a major societal concern for those in mature and emerging economies alike. Nations across the political spectrum - from the United States, to Europe, to India, to China, to South Africa - increasingly seek to address the divide between those at the top and the bottom of their societies. The fact that the 85 richest people in the world have as many assets as the world’s poorest 3.5 billion people brings today’s social and economic divisions into stark relief. Much of this inequality is rooted in the quotidian and often invisible practices of the world’s dominant social institutions. Business is not a passive observer in this setting.

Business is a key institutional player, one that may contribute to the phenomenon and certainly one that is impacted by it. Social and economic inequality both challenges business-as-usual and offers opportunities for profit. The opportunities can be seen in the rapid growth of temporary employment agencies, in short-term lending operations that now exist around the world and broadly, in the “race to the bottom” hypothesis that catches such attention. Whether such realized opportunities are good for humanity is an open question. 

The goal of this special issue is to examine the nature of social and economic inequality, as well as its origins and consequences. To be sure, some may also offer ideas for change. We welcome considered solutions to any problems we identify. That said, we do not hold any preconceived assumptions that inequality is to be viewed negatively (or positively). Such a view would unnecessarily limit the range of issues we can examine here. We will say, however, that these issues are central to our understanding and conduct of business. Our hope is that by viewing structural inequality as part of, and not separate from, the business research agenda, our work will generate a better understanding of how these problems and opportunities affect business and society.

This special issue of the Journal of Management Studies seeks a wide range of papers that draw on diverse institutional settings, theories, and approaches to understand the different aspects of social and economic inequality. The questions asked can include - but are not limited to - the following:
  • · What are the historical and institutional sources of structural inequality?
  • · How do we explain the persistence of structural inequality? How is it legitimated? What forms of institutional work normalize it? How might it be changed?
  • · What role (if any) does higher education play in the generation of, or accommodation to, such inequality?
  • · Do the consequences of social and economic inequality differ in different institutional settings? What are the implications of these differences?
  • · How do corporations respond to those possible worldwide differences in inequality? Can corporations profit from social and economic inequality? If so, how?
  • · How are corporations negatively impacted by the presence of social and economic inequality?
  • · At a more micro level, what is the impact of social and economic inequality on individuals, perhaps especially as they seek employment or work in a firm?
  • · How might society address social and economic inequality?
  • · What role will entrepreneurship play in our future?
  • · What role can management research and education play in making a better world?
Again, these ideas are suggestive, not definitive. We welcome any manuscript that creatively addresses social and economic inequality. Such papers can include both theory development and empirical investigation. An empirical investigation can be either qualitative or quantitative. We encourage a rich range of submissions from authors who reside in a wide variety of nations.

The authors who receive a “revise and resubmit” editorial decision will be invited to attend a special conference in November 2016. We will gather as a group to learn from each other and to improve our work. While conference participation is not required, it is encouraged. The conference will take place at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

While the JMS’s daily operations are housed in the UK, please submit your papers for this special issue to Lisa O’Brien at March 15 and April 15, 2016 and in accordance with JMS’ style guide). Please note in the subject line that your submission is a special issue submission. In the meanwhile, feel free to reach out to Garry Bruton (, Roy Suddaby ( or Jim Walsh ( with any questions about the special issue. See for the Journal of Management Studies’ author guidelines.